East Coast Book Hour?
Have you ever listened to the CBC-Radio show called the East Coast Book Hour?
No? Neither have I — because it doesn’t exist. At least not yet. But each time I catch the East Coast Music Hour on a Saturday, I wonder why there isn’t something similar that would introduce Atlantic Canadians to their writers, illustrators, editors and publishers who toil at creating books (and e-books) for people to enjoy. It works with musicians; why not for a sibling artistic sector? Such a show would give Atlantic authors and others in the industry a little profile, which is dearly needed. It’s not easy to sell readers books they have never heard about! In addition to letting more people in the region know about their homegrown culture, it would help a sector of the economy.
So how about it, CBC-Radio? If not a full 60 minutes, could you find 30 minutes somewhere to talk about East Coast Books?
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