10 Years On
In another couple of weeks, it will be 10 years since my departure from Parks Canada. (I don’t like to say retirement because I like to think I am still working, just independently.)
Looking back and taking stock of that decade, I see that I have published five novels and three books of history. Not bad.
In that same 10-year time frame, I contributed story-lines and texts to exhibits such as the Black Cultural Centre; N’in na L’nu: The Mi’kmaq of PEI; VANGUARD for the NS Museum; the Colchester Historeum in Truro; and many smaller exhibit elements in Yarmouth, Pubnico, and Grand-Pré and elsewhere. Those were, if I do say so, some pretty good exhibits.
Looking ahead, 2020 should see the publication of my 20th and 21st books. One is about The Lincolns and rock ‘n roll in Nova Scotia in the 1960s. It will be coming out from Nimbus. I have to say that researching and writing that book was tremendous fun. The other new book is co-authored with Jesse Francis and is about Skmaqn-Port-la-Joye-Fort Amherst NHS on PEI. Acorn Press is its publisher. It is the second time I have worked on a book with Jesse, and both experiences were great.
Then, I hope, 2020 may also see the revised edition of Storied Shores come out, along with, for the first time, a French version.
So, 10 years after moving on from Parks, I’m still very much engaged in writing. I look forward to many more projects to come.
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