Busy Days Necessitate Change

Published November 11, 2016 by A.J.B. Johnston

It’s been a long time since I said anything about my upcoming time as Writer-in-Residence in Fairhope, Alabama. I recently asked to change that term from three months to two. That’s because I’m so busy writing history at the moment — one project preparing post-1867 biographies of over forty intriguing and inspiring individuals for the Nova Scotia Museum and another project writing texts for a major exhibit at the Halifax Citadel on behalf of Lord Cultural Resources. I expect my involvement in both those projects to be completed by the end of December. However, just in case, I am delaying going to Alabama until February, which gives me January to tie up loose ends if needed.

Here is a link to a listing of all the writers on the Fairhope Center for the Writing Arts line-up from this fall on through all of 2017. I’m proud to be part of such a stellar bunch.


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