Evening to Remember

Published October 10, 2021 by A.J.B. Johnston

The power was back.

I do not mean the electricity in the outlets—though that too was back on after a power failure cancelled the book launch / Lincoln show the day before.

No, I mean the power of music and stories.

On Oct. 18, 2021, at Truro’s Marigold Cultural Centre, under the glow of a rising giant moon, The Lincolns put on a magical show, while I told some of their stories to an audience that told us after the show was over that they loved every single minute.

Two members of the band—Rod Norrie and Layne Francis—have been Lincolns for 62 years; others have been playing with them for over 50. And though they reunite only now and then, they are still able to bring it, rocking the crowd.

It was the first time Paul Eisan sang with the band, and he was great, singing seven numbers. Then, as a surprise to everyone, Charlie A’Court made a guest appearance, enthralling the crowd with “Dreams to Remember” as a tribute to the late Frank MacKay.

Followed by a moving recording of Frank singing “Danny Boy.” When the music and talk was over, it was time to speak with the author and the band, and get books and CDs signed.

The power was back.

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