
Published February 2, 2016 by A.J.B. Johnston

I’m still enjoying hearing that the ill-conceived giant statue proposed for Cape Breton Highlands NP under a previous regime was nixed by federal minister Catherine McKenna. How lucky it was that there was a change of government and a wise minister placed in charge of the portfolio responsible for Parks Canada.

The shift in policies reminds me one more time how important it is for ordinary citizens to express their opinions on issues they care about. I think thousands spoke out — with letters to newspapers, calls to radio shows, posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media — on the possibility of a giant, ugly statue rising in a National Park. The large volume of protests, lamentations and complaints won the day in the end. So let’s do the same, shall we, with other issues that come along — federal, provincial and community-based. Speak out, that is. Our democracy is only as good as we make it at the grassroots.

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