Looking Ahead to Spring

Published January 1, 2017 by A.J.B. Johnston

Something I’m looking forward to once the spring gets here is a series of Professional Development workshops being planned by the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia.

The WFNS will be organizing one called “So You Want to Be Published”, with Sarah Sawler (author of many pieces but best known for the best-selling 100 Things You Don’t Know about Nova Scotia) and I teaming up to deliver our thoughts on all that could be covered under such a heading. The idea is that it will be a travelling road show, with stops in Halifax, Yarmouth, Wolfville, Antigonish and Sydney. Details have not yet to be worked out for specific dates and venues. (Most likely timing is late April and early May.) The PD sessions will be open to WFNS members and non-members alike.

I always like travelling around NS. What will make this travel even better than usual will be the chance to meet a wide range of people, talk about writing for publication and hearing about various projects!

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