Name changes
I have received the newsletter of the Colchester Historical Society in the mail, and am pretty pleased to see that they have officially changed the name of the museum they operate in Truro, Nova Scotia to the Colchester Historeum. It’s a name I suggested to them a few years back when our Camus Productions team came up with an interpretive concept for the building. It is the second museum in Nova Scotia where I’ve successfully suggested new names in the past few years. The other was what used to be the Musée Acadien in West Pubnico. Our Camus team worked with them a few years ago and at an early meeting I observed that their name was generic and not revealing or suggestive of what they were about. Had they considered something more specific, which reflected the distinctive stories they present? I gave a couple of options, one of which — Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos — they agreed would be better. It pleases me to see both changes.
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