New Book!

Published November 11, 2021 by A.J.B. Johnston

I have a new book out, co-authored with Jesse Francis. It was beautifully designed and laid out by Stéphane Breton. We are the same trio who produced Ni’n na L’nu: The Mi’kmaq of Prince Edward Island a few years back. The publisher is once again PEI’s Acorn Press.

The book is now in stores (well, some stores) in NS and on PEI. It is also available from the web sites of Acorn Press, Nimbus Publishing, and Chapters.Indigo. And maybe Amazon too as well.

It’s a book that could be of interest to anyone who wants to explore more about Acadian and French colonial history, the history of the Mi’kmaq, and the early phase of the British colonial era on Prince Edward Island.

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