Reviews Anyone?

Published March 3, 2013 by A.J.B. Johnston

It’s a challenge for any book coming out of a small regional press to get reviewed in any major media outlet. Their nearly exclusive focus is on the books that come out of the large publishing houses based in Toronto or in the USA, books that have budgets for promotion. Novels like Thomas, A Secret Life are rarely given any profile at all. As a result, people generally only find out about books put out by Atlantic region publishers by word of mouth. So … if anyone reading this note happens to have read and enjoyed Thomas — or any other Atlantic Canadian book — maybe you’d be willing offer a review or thumb’s up on any of the Amazon, Chapters-Indigo, Goodreads or other web sites that feature books? Or on Facebook? It’s still word of mouth, but it’s a whisper (sort of) that can reach a lot of ears many times over. Thank you, should you feel so inclined.

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