The Cover of T3

Published June 6, 2015 by A.J.B. Johnston

Et voilà, c’est la couverture de mon nouveau roman, le troisième dans la série Thomas Pichon. (Or T3 as Mike Hunter of CBU Press and I sometimes call it. T1 and T2 being the first two books in the series.)

Crossings will not be printed and released for another bit, not until September, but the cover — once again wonderful art by Cape Breton’s Cathy MacLean — is set.

I’m delighted that there is a scene of La Rochelle on the cover this time. I love that charming, historical and picturesque seaport.Late in the book there is a scene in La Rochelle, because it’s the embarkation port for Thomas and the comte de Raymond as they set off for Louisbourg.

Je suis vraiment heureux de voir une image de La Rochelle sur la couverture. L’action dans le roman se déroule en route vers Bath, puis à Bath, Londres et Paris avant que nos acteurs arrivent à La Rochelle pour monter à bord un vaisseau traverser l’Atlantique en direction de Louisbourg.

It’s 80,000 words of fun and games (and some serious, sad events) and I’m looking forward to having it come out into the world.

crossings high res

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