Books Start Here, Halifax, March 23

Published March 3, 2016 by A.J.B. Johnston

If anyone is interested, I have posted a few photos — taken by a photographer with Atlantic Books Today — on my Facebook site (A J B Johnston, Writer). The shots are of the March 23 Books Start Here event in Halifax, which was an opportunity for publishers and authors to meet and greet MLAs from all three political parties.

It was a positive event all round, and should help improve the foundation for a strong literary culture in the province. Publishing (and all that goes into it, which involves many disciplines not just writing) is already a valuable industry, and more importantly one with lots of potential for growth.

To find out more about the Books Start Here project please check out its web site. And if you live in Nova Scotia, maybe you’ll consider contacting your local MLA. We have the possibility of giving NS-published books greater prominence in our schools and providing local publishers, authors, editors, illustrators and others with more support. The literary sector should be encouraged.


Here is the link to where the photos are posted.

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