Louisbourg Presentation, Nov. 4

Published August 8, 2014 by A.J.B. Johnston

I’ve been asked by the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, NS to reprise a variation on the presentation – Louisbourg and the Twists of Time – I gave at Government House last year. The talk will not be identical because I have no script just images, but it’ll cover the same sweeping history of everyone’s favourite reconstructed French fortified town. That is, I’ll start with the formation of its harbour 5000 years ago and then proceed quickly through its 18th-c transformation by the French, what happened there in the 19th c and 20th c and then its eventual rebuilding and much more. I’ll close with a peek to what rising seas are likely going to do to the place. Nov. 4th, 7:30 pm. The link to the event notice at the Museum is below.


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